

どうも、Zabbix 大好き 伊藤です。
社内ではくりゅうと呼ばれています。 2014/09/11にZabbix2.4.0がリリースされました! ダウンロード
http://www.zabbix.com/jp/rn2.4.0.php 正確な情報は本家を見ていただくとして


:: Multiple filters for low level discovery

The filter section in low level discovery rule definition has been split out into a separate tab and, most importantly, allows to define several filters as well as to define the calculation rules between the filters.

  • LLD(ローレベルディスカバリ)機能で複数のフィルター条件を使用することができるようになりました。


:: Node-based distributed monitoring removed

Previously Zabbix supported two options for distributed monitoring - using nodes and proxies. In Zabbix 2.4.0 the support of node-based distributed monitoring has been discontinued due to existing limitations and potential problems with reliability in large environments.

  • ノード構成による分散監視機能の削除


:: One-click creation of ad-hoc graphs

Implemented the ability to quickly display items on a graph from the latest data page.

  • 最新データページでワンクックでのアドホックグラフ表示機能を追加


:: More advanced WEB monitoring

WEB monitoring was extended to support custom headers, configurable number of retries as well as access to SSL related options. It makes possible efficient monitoring of APIs based on XML (SOAP) and JSON protocols.

  • WEBモニタリングの高機能化


:: More details about unsupported agent items

Zabbix agents now provide detailed information on why items become not supported, instead of the generic “Not supported by Zabbix Agent”.

  • Zabbix-Agent監視において、アイテムが取得不可の場合の情報をより詳細に
    これまでは、zabbix userの権限不足や、監視対象ファイルのパスが間違ってる場合など、アイテムが「取得不可」となった場合に、agent unsupportedなどと表示されるだけでしたが


:: More efficient JSON formatting

The formatting of JSON objects (with tabs and new lines) has been removed, which allows the traffic to be reduced by 20-30% when data is sent between Zabbix services. Additionally, the escaping of forward slash or solidus (/) has also been removed.

  • JSONフォーマットの効率化


:: Macro improvements

User macros {$MACRO} now are available in notifications and commands. Two new macros - {HOST.DESCRIPTION} and {PROXY.DESCRIPTION} are supported for use in notifications and commands. {HOST.DESCRIPTION} can also be used in map labels. Host level macros - {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME}, {HOST.IP}, {HOST.DNS} and {HOST.CONN} along with user macros {$MACRO} are available in simple low-level discovery rule filter regexps.

  • マクロ機能の強化
    新たに{HOST.DESCRIPTION} と{PROXY.DESCRIPTION}を通知に使用できるようになりました。


:: Control of SNMP bulk requests

It is possible to control use of SNMP bulk requests per host interface.

  • SNMPのバルクゲット機能が制御可能に


:: Better syntax for trigger expressions

Zabbix supports new operators '>=', '<=', 'and', 'or' and 'not'. Existing operators '&' and '#' are no longer supported. Also formatting of trigger expressions is preserved for multi-line expressions.

  • トリガー条件式の書式の変更
    また以下の条件判定演算子が変更になりました。 この変更によりトリガー条件式が読みやすくなるかもしれません。            
    Zabbix2.2以前 Zabbix2.4
    & and
    | or
    # not

:: API improvements

Support of the “refer” value for get method “output” parameter has been removed. Instead it's recommended to use arrays of specific properties.

Performance was significantly improved for a number of API calls.

  • APIの改善


:: Unified date and time format

Date and time format has been unified across Zabbix frontend according to the ISO 8601 standard of YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. The new format is implemented everywhere except graphs.

  • ZabbixのWEB GUIにおける時刻表示形式の変更
    GUI上での時刻の表示形式がISO 8601に準拠した”YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”という形式に変更されました。


:: Global search by technical name

In recent Zabbix versions, hosts and templates could only be searched for by their visible name. Now they can be searched by technical name as well. If a match is found for the technical name, it is displayed in parenthesis below the visible name.

  • グローバルサーチでテクニカルネームの検索可能をサポート


:: Application filter for maps

A new “Application” filter has been added for host and host group map elements in maps.

  • ホスト一覧マップやホストグループマップでアプリケーションによるフィルター機能が追加されました。


:: Screen-related improvements

In screens, URL now is a dynamic screen element.

Also implemented new screen element types - "Graph prototype" and "Simple graph prototype".

  • スクリーン要素の追加


:: Responsible action shown in action log

Now the Action log/Action log screen element have gained a new Action column showing the name of the responsible action as well.

  • アクションのログが表示されるようになりました。


:: Description field added

A new description field has been added to host, template and proxy configuration. The field may be used to provide details on how to install and use a template, have links to external resources, list user parameters, etc.

  • 説明欄の追加


:: Trigger dependencies shown as links

Now the trigger names are displayed as links leading to the trigger configuration. Links are green for enabled triggers, while red indicates that the trigger is disabled.

  • トリガーの依存関係の表示の改善


:: Flexible action conditions

Added support of custom formula for calculation of action conditions.

  • 柔軟なアクション実行条件


:: Delayed execution of housekeeper

Housekeeper execution is delayed for 30 minutes after Zabbix Server and Proxy startup.

  • housekeeper プロセスの動作タイミングの変更
    Zabbix-ServerやZabbix-Proxyプロセスの起動直後に実施されていたhousekeeper プロセスの初回動作が起動後30分からに変更されました。


:: Automatic discovery of CPUs

Agents for all platforms are enhanced to support low level discovery of CPUs.

  • CPUをLLDにより検知できるようになりました。








Zabbix サポート期間とリリースポリシー



RHEL6/CentOS6 でアップデートする場合のリポジトリは

# rpm -ivh http://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/2.4/rhel/6/x86_64/zabbix-2.4.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm


AWS&Zabbixが気になる方は是非サーバーワークス @qryuu までご連絡を!

